Website, social media and digital visibility

If we understand who our ideal customer is, we have a great product or service, a correct pricing strategy and a solid marketing plan, the missing piece of the puzzle is digital visibility. This is an area where many starters experience difficulties, but don’t worry this module has been specifically designed to help you interact effectively with social media and online marketing. It’s essential that your website – the digital business card of your company – is set-up correctly and appears attractive to potential customers. I can equip you the right tools and philosophy to ensure that your website is rock solid, in terms of design and choice of text, helping you establish a strong connection with your customers.

Alongside developing a practical action plan with you, we will also provide you with a content calendar that no budding entrepreneur can afford to miss. This calendar will ensure you have dynamic presence on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tiktok or whichever channel suits you best. Last but not least we can ascertain which social media channels your target market engages with and how you can reach out to them effectively.


15 years

For more than 15 years I have focused on guiding, motivating and inspiring starters and Start-ups large and small, in various industries at home and abroad. I started my first business when I was 27. Full of energy and confidence, I set to work. A lot was unclear, I knew too little about entrepreneurship. It wasn’t in my ‘blood’, but I started out anyway, because I believed in myself and in my idea.

In the meantime, more than 15 years later, I have gained a lot of experience and helped more than 200 ambitious clients achieve their goals and dreams, the majority of which now have successful businesses and are active in a variety of different industries at home and abroad. I also work for the reintegration company Startwijzer, where I coach people who are reintegrating towards entrepreneurship or suitable work.


Starters large and small

In 2020 I launched my practical workbook “Your journey towards entrepreneurship”. A guide book developed especially for starters and people who are considering starting their own business. I am also fortunate enough to be regularly invited to many universities in Europe and Asia to give seminars on empowerment, pro-activity and entrepreneurial thinking. The majority of my time though, is dedicated to supporting start-ups, (especially sustainable) start-ups that want to grow from a € 1 to € 10 million turn over. I do this both on behalf of the entrepreneurs themselves and also on behalf of governments at home and abroad.