About me
Are considering entrepreneurship? Do you want to give yourself the best start and make a real difference as an entrepreneur? Then you have come to right place. Alternatively maybe you already have a business and need some guidance on scaling up effectively. From my coaching and training company SmartKickstart, I help my clients to establish their business on strong foundations and help them to scale up dynamically.
Every day I am passionately involved in guiding my coachees (from home and abroad!) in the following fields:
- Business coaching (specialized in start-ups)
- Breakthrough coaching (specialized in translating ambition into concrete actions and plans)
- Mini masterminds (knowledge sessions on specific themes)
- Training Linked-In: Sales, networking and finding your customers
- Youth Empowerment workshops (at start-ups and in education) and I have developed a number of training modules that will give you a push in the right direction
- Jury member, motivational speaker

15 years
With SmartKickstart I take a practical approach. No more hours of philosophizing, we’ll be focused on immediate action and getting straight down to business. Putting emotions to the side I will help you build a strong foundation and develop a process that allows you to make well informed decisions, based on an honest and realistic appraisal of the facts and relevant research.
During the sessions I will ask you the right direct open questions, so that you learn to look honestly and with self-reflection at your own ideas, goals and dreams. Not only will I share with you my knowledge and practical experience, you will also have access to my extensive network of professionals, including for example; investors, potential customers, creative’s, e-commerce experts, website designers, marketing experts, book-keepers/accountants and social media agents, etc. Very often its not what you know, its who you know and having access to the right people and expertise can be invaluable, when starting or growing your business.
Starters large and small
In 2020 I launched my practical workbook “Your journey towards entrepreneurship”. A guide book developed especially for starters and people who are considering starting their own business. I am also fortunate enough to be regularly invited to many universities in Europe and Asia to give seminars on empowerment, pro-activity and entrepreneurial thinking. The majority of my time though, is dedicated to supporting start-ups, (especially sustainable) start-ups that want to grow from a € 1 to € 10 million turn over. I do this both on behalf of the entrepreneurs themselves and also on behalf of governments at home and abroad.